
Whiteout / Hvítblinda, 2014

Memories of experiencing going through a landscape affected by the condition of snow blindness, where the horizon disappears completely and you become consumed by white. The state and photograph were used as a starting point for a piece where materials were combined to make one piece; consisting of glass plates that were covered with layers of dried buttermilk, fluorlights and wood.

Unnið var með minningar af ferðalögum í gegnum landslag er var litað af hvítblindu, þar sem himinn og jörð rennur saman. Ljósmyndin var notuð sem upphafspunktur af verkinu þar sem ólíkum efniviðum var skeytt saman til að skapa eitt verk; glerplötur með lagi ofan á lagi af þornaðari súrmjólk, flúorljós og viður.